Essays - Grammar - Fiction - Annoying Term Papers
Hi there! My name is Lauren, and I graduated with honors from NYU with a BA in fiction writing. I work as a professional copywriter, editor, and graphic designer. I plan to get an MFA in fiction in a few years. I've been writing professionally since my freshman year in college, when I got my first copywriting gig. I've been copywriting and editing ever since. I'm a super nitpick when it comes to grammar. (Sorry.) In college, I studied writing under novelist Zadie Smith, and studied indepen...
Nick C. from New York, NY
I began working with Lauren last year, and for the first few months, we worked on my college poetry course. We read many poems together and discussed their meanings and the poet's intent. These discussions were very productive--she asked me questions that helped me develop an opinion of my own, then helped me organize them into a strong paper. I felt very comfortable with Lauren right from the start. She always took my thoughts seriously. This made me feel safe and gave me the confidence to begin to really learn. She was very patient with me and always listened carefully to my ideas. Before meeting Lauren, my writing was poorly organized and unclear. Lauren has been key to my development. I've worked with a number of tutors in the past, but what set Lauren apart from the rest was her true care about my improvement. I felt so proud of the work that I did with Lauren because, although she was absolutely vital to the process, I knew that what I had written was something that I had created. That is, it came from my thoughts and my opinions. I've also worked with Lauren on presentations (which were very intimidating to me). For example, I had to present about the Flarf poetry movement, and so we outlined my presentation together, and I practiced in front of her. When it came time to present, I felt confident and prepared--I was more composed than I had ever been during a presentation. After delivering it, I sat in my chair completely shocked and elated. This experience gave me so much hope and confidence, and I knew that I couldn't have done it without Lauren. Last winter, I had 9 major assignments due within an 8-day period--2/3 of my GPA would be decided in those days. I was very stressed out and worried, but Lauren assured me that she would be there for me. We planned out all of the assignments that I had to do, setting aside time for each. Lauren was very busy with other students, but found a way to fit me into her (in some cases) 12-hour days! Lauren is extremely dependable and responsible. You can count on her. I owe much of my success to Lauren. She did not simply make me a better writer, she taught me skills that I have been able to apply in all of my classes. I will always be grateful for what she's done for me.
Franklin P. from New York, NY
We practiced various topics. One of them was about how to read properly and analyze a peace of writing. Also, we went over auxiliary verbs and noun phrases.
Jason A. from Bronx, NY
Had a great session with Lauren. She was very helpful in helping me organize my ideas and complete my assignment. I look forward to working with her again.
Ryan W. from Gainesville, FL
Lauren took the time to help with a college essay. She is very reliable and extremely helpful. I highly recommend Lauren.